
Press releases

In the media: Mercato Totale

September 2024

The largest Italian showcase on the web of the electric world.

In the media: Mercato Totale

September 2024

The largest Italian showcase on the web of the electric world.

In the media: Mercato Totale

June 2024

The largest Italian showcase on the web of the electric world.

In the media: la Repubblica

May 2024

New LED lights for Milan’s Torre Arcobaleno.

In the media: Mercato Totale

July 2023

The largest Italian showcase on the web of the electric world.

In the media: Mercato Totale

April 2023

The largest Italian showcase on the web of the electric world.

In the media: Sport&Impianti

December 2022

A bimonthly magazine in Italian and English that keeps readers constantly updated on the latest news and trends on lighting designs, installations, products and standards.

In the media: LUX

November - December 2022

LUX magazine has been addressing, and often anticipating, the technological and market transformations of lighting for more than 90 years. Article on page 41.

In the media: électro magazine

October 2022

électro magazine is a French magazine conceived and written by a team of experts in the electricity industry, with the aim to inform and explain the latest developments and trends in the sector.

In the media: Sport&Impianti

August 2022

A bimonthly magazine in Italian and English that keeps readers constantly updated on the latest news and trends on lighting designs, installations, products and standards.