
1481 steel conical pole to be buried

1481 steel conical pole to be buried

20 kgGrey
28 kgGrey
36 kgGrey
48 kgGrey
20 kgGraphite
28 kgGraphite
36 kgGraphite
48 kgGraphite
59 kgGrey
59 kgGraphite
18 kgAnthracite
25.9 kgAnthracite
33.5 kgAnthracite
51 kgAnthracite
59 kgAnthracite
98.2 kgAnthracite
98.2 kgGrey
98.2 kgGraphite
3340 Loto 2 - wide beam matt
3331 Disco 2 - wide beam
3285 Rolle - high performance
3286 Rolle - high performance
1518 Clima LED against light pollution
1570 Clima - LED
3590 Ischia - rotosymmetric wide beam RW
3590 Ischia MIDNIGHT - rotosymmetric wide beam RW
3591 Ischia - COB rotosymmetric wide beam RM
3591 Ischia MIDNIGHT - COB rotosymmetric wide beam RM
3592 Ischia - square wide beam SW
3592 Ischia MIDNIGHT - square wide beam SW
3596 Ischia MIDNIGHT - asymmetric wide beam AW
3594 Ischia - cycle-pedestrain asymmetric CS
3594 Ischia MIDNIGHT - cycle pedestrian symmetric CS
3595 Ischia MIDNIGHT - asymmetric medium beam AM
3593 Ischia - cycle-pedestrian asymmetric CA
3593 Ischia MIDNIGHT - cycle-pedestrian asymmetric CA
3596 Ischia - asymmetric wide beam AW
3595 Ischia - asymmetric medium beam AM
3360 Iseo 1 - roto-symmetric
3361 Iseo 2 - street
3362 Iseo 3 - centre street
3363 Iseo 4 - cycle lane
3383 Como 1 - roto-symmetric
3384 Como 2 - asymmetric
3385 Como 3 - cycle lane
3386 Como 4 - bi-asymmetric
3350 Garda 1 - roto-symmetric
3351 Garda 2 - asymmetric
3352 Garda 3 - cycle lane
3353 Garda 4 - cycle + street
3355 Garda 5 - roto-symmetric
3355 Garda 6 - roto-symmetric
3340 Loto 1 - wide beam transparent
3342 Loto 3 - asymmetric
3343 Loto 4 - cycle lane
3344 Loto 5 - wide beam
3345 Loto 6 - COB
3345 Loto 6 - MIDNIGHT COB
3280 Rolle - T1
3283 Rolle - T4
3284 Rolle - T5
3334 Disco 5 - central connection
3336 Visconti 2.0 - roto-symmetric
3337 Visconti 2.0 - street ME
3338 Visconti 2.0 - cycle lane
3339 Visconti 2.0 - large areas
3580 Volo - street - High Performance
3581 Volo - cycle + street
3582 Volo - cycle lane
3583 Volo - roto-symmetric
3281 Rolle - T2
3282 Rolle - T3
1513 Torcia LED COB
1707 Torcia LED
1708 Torcia LED
1205 Polar

Udávaný světelný tok je tok vyzařovaný světelným zdrojem s tolerancí ± 10 % oproti uvedené hodnotě. Sloupec W tot udává celkový příkon absorbovaný systémem, aniž by překročil 10 % uvedené hodnoty.