
2196 Forum 2.0 - 2 МОДУЛЯ - узкий луч - XS

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In its new release, the Forum 2.0 floodlight has been further upgraded, featuring even higher output, excellent light control, easy installation, and long service life. The extreme versatility of its optics enables it to adapt to different application needs, ensuring high performance in all circumstances compared to traditional floodlights. Forum LED 2.0 is available with one, two or three light modules, and a range of different optics to fully meet all lighting requirements for all sizes of indoor and outdoor venues.The great success of this floodlight is also given by the wide range of solutions, excellent technical features, and the careful choice of materials and electronic components that guarantee complete safety during operation and resistance to accidental impacts, temperature variations and weather conditions.Easy and safe to install, Forum 2.0 is also equipped with special devices for perfect aiming and positioning.Moreover, Forum 2.0 features technical solutions that increase safety, such as an automatic temperature controller and surge protector.Finally, LED technology is increasingly becoming the lighting of choice for stadiums, major infrastructure, and large areas due to its considerable energy savings as well as its scenic performance (DMX) and quality lighting levels that can ensure great safety and visual well-being.This is why, Disano's Forum LED 2.0 has become one of the most popular modular LED floodlights used in this type of application.

КодКгНоминальный токВт всегоЦвет
27 kg900 mA1046 WАнтрацит
27 kg900 mA1046 WАнтрацит
27 kg900 mA1046 WАнтрацит
Длина770 mm
Ширина372 mm
Высота495 mm

Сообщаемый световой поток — это поток, излучаемый источником света с допуском ± 10 % по сравнению с указанным значением. Столбец Wtot показывает общую мощность, поглощаемую системой, не превышающую 10% от указанного значения.