
Sun T - 2700K - High quality

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Adjustable recessed spotlights for the retail, residential and hospitality sectors. These latest-generation spotlights meet the requirements of a totally new approach to interior lighting. The primary objective is now the search for maximum visual comfort, which implies giving light different meanings depending on the environment to be illuminated.In all retail outlets, from large shopping centres to the boutique stores, light is the central element around which the layout design is developed in order to maximise the value of the items on display and, above all, to create unique designs that make the brand immediately recognisable.In the hospitality and entertainment sector (hotels, bars, restaurants), light is fundamental for creating a personal and distinguishing style.

KódKgLumen Output - K - CRILuminaire beam angleWTotBarva
0.374 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9525 °9.7 WWhite
0.3 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9525 °9.5 WWhite
0.276 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9525 °9.7 WSilver
0.276 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9525 °9.5 WSilver
0.276 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9540 °9.7 WWhite
0.3 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9540 °9.5 WWhite
0.278 kg700 lm - 2700 K - >9560 °9.7 WWhite
0.3 kg700 lm - 2700 K - >9560 °9.5 WWhite
0.376 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9540 °9.7 WSilver
0.3 kg750 lm - 2700 K - >9540 °9.5 WSilver
0.3 kg700 lm - 2700 K - >9560 °9.7 WSilver
0.3 kg700 lm - 2700 K - >9560 °9.5 WSilver
EM Kit Q
Luminaire height71 mm
Diameter90 mm

Udávaný světelný tok je tok vyzařovaný světelným zdrojem s tolerancí ± 10 % oproti uvedené hodnotě. Sloupec W tot udává celkový příkon absorbovaný systémem, aniž by překročil 10 % uvedené hodnoty.