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To enhance the viewing of displayed objects, to create perfect ambient lighting and to design luminous settings with a great visual impact are the many possibilities offered to lighting designers by Techno, the modern recessed spotlight that exploits all the benefits of new high-efficiency lighting technology.Easy-to-use, its extraordinary performance combines with great lighting quality to create pleasant and attractive atmospheres. DIP switch adjustment: the luminaire is equipped with a built-in DIP switch driver for setting the output current; this will enable to choose the right light flux for each lighting design.The chance to choose the needed LED pilot current will allow you to have the right amount of power adjusted to any given design requirement. Choosing a lower current will increase the efficiency and improve energy savings, while a higher current will provide more light and make it possible to reduce the number of luminaires installed.

CodeWiringKgColourI LED TotWK - Lumen Output - CRI – Degrees
22163212-00CLD1.00white800304000K - 3379lm - CRI92
22163212-00CLD1.00white600224000K - 2600lm - CRI92
22163212-00CLD1.00white650244000K - 2794lm - CRI92
22163212-00CLD1.00white700254000K - 2977lm - CRI92
KódKgNominal CurrentLumen Output - K - CRIWTotWBarva
1.006 kg800 mA3379 lm - 4000 K - 9230 WWhite
EM Kit Q
Luminaire height105 mm
Diameter193 mm

Udávaný světelný tok je tok vyzařovaný světelným zdrojem s tolerancí ± 10 % oproti uvedené hodnotě. Sloupec W tot udává celkový příkon absorbovaný systémem, aniž by překročil 10 % uvedené hodnoty.