
Slim 3 URG<19

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With the Slim lamp, LED lighting takes a leap forward.Slim uses the best of the LED technology while displaying a highly innovative design. The incorporation of LEDs within the fixture generates a light output that ensures the highest level of comfort and functionality.Light is focused on the task area.It switches on immediately without flickering or buzzing noise.Energy consumption is reduced by more than 50% compared to conventional fluorescent tube lights.LED efficiency (95%), overheating protection, current control and possibility of working with non-stabilised voltages.Special circuit design that makes the operation of each LED independent so that it doesn't compromise the operation of the others.No electromagnetic emissions and RF interference.No risk to the environment due to the absence of materials containing mercury or lead.

KódKgLumen Output - K - CRIWTotBarva
6.7 kg3470 lm - 4000 K - >8034 WWhite
6.7 kg3353 lm - 3000 K - >8034 WWhite
6.7 kg3470 lm - 4000 K - >8034 WWhite
6.7 kg3470 lm - 4000 K - >8034 WWhite
6.7 kg3470 lm - 4000 K - >8034 WWhite
6.7 kg3353 lm - 3000 K - >8034 WWhite
6.7 kg3353 lm - 3000 K - >8034 WWhite
6.7 kg3353 lm - 3000 K - >8034 WWhite
11.5 kg6880 lm - 4000 K - >8073 WWhite
5.7 kg2100 lm - 4000 K - >8020 WWhite
5.7 kg1953 lm - 3000 K - >8020 WWhite
5.7 kg2100 lm - 4000 K - >8020 WWhite
5.7 kg2100 lm - 4000 K - >8020 WWhite
5.7 kg2100 lm - 4000 K - >8020 WWhite
5.7 kg1953 lm - 3000 K - >8020 WWhite
5.7 kg1953 lm - 3000 K - >8020 WWhite
5.7 kg1953 lm - 3000 K - >8020 WWhite
Luminaire height30 mm

Udávaný světelný tok je tok vyzařovaný světelným zdrojem s tolerancí ± 10 % oproti uvedené hodnotě. Sloupec W tot udává celkový příkon absorbovaný systémem, aniž by překročil 10 % uvedené hodnoty.