
2784 Astro HP - UGR<25 - wide beam 90°

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LED lighting is as an important factor for technological development. By upgrading a lighting system, it is possible to improve the quality of the workplace, enhance safety and boost the productivity of workers. All this can be achieved with high-quality products such as Disano's Astro LED.Designed to obtain maximum results in both new installations and relamping of existing systems, Astro LED is a spotlight with an industrial feel, also successfully used in sports facilities and commercial areas. Astro is first and foremost appreciated for the quality of the emitted light, featuring a very high colour rendering index, which is particularly important in precision manufacturing, also ensuring very low flickering to protect the safety and health of workers.The substantial energy savings compared to old lighting systems allow a quick return on investment, and the economic advantage is increased by the long life of the system.

Udávaný světelný tok je tok vyzařovaný světelným zdrojem s tolerancí ± 10 % oproti uvedené hodnotě. Sloupec W tot udává celkový příkon absorbovaný systémem, aniž by překročil 10 % uvedené hodnoty.