
6633 Madrid - suspension-ceiling direct light - with opal diffuser

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The Human Centric Lighting approach puts the spotlight on people's health and well-being. Light is required to be of high quality, with perfect colour rendering, without glare and flickering effects.Madrid, a linear LED luminaire, was born to satisfy all these different requirements. It stands out in the quality of its materials and state-of-the-art optic technology. The result is perfect lighting with high colour rendering for workers' safety and visual wellbeing. Madrid, which can be surface-mounted, flush-mounted or suspended, is therefore able to meet all kinds of functional and design requirements.

KódKgLumen Output - K - CRIWTotBarva
0.90 kg1488 lm - 4000 K - >8013 WWhite
1.80 kg2977 lm - 4000 K - >8026 WWhite
2.2 kg3756 lm - 4000 K - >8034 WWhite
Luminaire Width64 mm
Luminaire height74 mm

Udávaný světelný tok je tok vyzařovaný světelným zdrojem s tolerancí ± 10 % oproti uvedené hodnotě. Sloupec W tot udává celkový příkon absorbovaný systémem, aniž by překročil 10 % uvedené hodnoty.