
847 Comfort Panel - IP65 - for aseptic environments

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The superior quality of LED lighting is now more affordable and accessible thanks to a benchmarking product that offers, at contained costs, the ideal light for offices, shopping centres, hotels and healthcare facilities and in general all spaces where continuous lighting is necessary.Comfort Panel is a square panel lamp that can be easily surface-mounted and has a quick connection mechanism without the need to open the fixture. Its slim deisgn allows light to be evenly distributed, while the white LED bulbs generate top quality lighting, providing maximum visual comfort.All this with significant energy savings.

KódKgLumen Output - K - CRIWTotBarva
1 kg3318 lm - 4000 K - 8024 WWhite
1 kg3318 lm - 4000 K - 8024 WWhite
1 kg3160 lm - 3000 K - 8024 WWhite
1 kg3160 lm - 3000 K - 8024 WWhite
320 Cord
Luminaire length597 mm
Luminaire Width597 mm
Luminaire height46 mm

Udávaný světelný tok je tok vyzařovaný světelným zdrojem s tolerancí ± 10 % oproti uvedené hodnotě. Sloupec W tot udává celkový příkon absorbovaný systémem, aniž by překročil 10 % uvedené hodnoty.